Sharing my database of Aircraft, Airports and Routes
I have been gathering data for few years now, from multiple sources (databases found online, some special aircraft found manually online, …). I now have more than 35000 entries in my database of aircraft, including 6,000 that I flagged as “special”, meaning military or any other interesting features (helicopters, rare aircrafts …).
I also have more than 16,000 airports and 160,000 routes.
They are all accessible through dedicated API, returning detailed values in json format. I am happy to share them with the community, as most of the source I have been using are built by the community. I am always looking for new sources to identify the 6000+ unidentified hex codes I have been seeing or the years. Do not hesitate to share your sources in comments if you have great one. I will make a dedicated post about that someday.
Search aircraft by Mode S code or tail number
You can access my database of aircraft through the following API:
where XXXXXX is the ModeS code of the aircraft, on 6 digits in hexadecimal.
where XXXXXX is the tail number (or registration) of the aircraft (in some countries, tail numbers have a — like in China B-8638, it should be put here).
The output is in json format (RFC4627).
Working samples of the API:
Returned data:
“ModeS”: “78102f”,
“ModeSCountry”: “China”,
“Registration”: “B-8638”,
“ICAOTypeCode”: “A321”,
“Type”: “Airbus A321–211”,
“SerialNo”: “ — -”,
“RegisteredOwners”: “China Southern Airlines”,
“OperatorFlagCode”: “CSN”,
“FirstSeen”: “2017–03–25 23:58:09”,
“LastSeen”: “2019–09–06 07:25:41”
DesignatorDescriptionFormatModeSModeS code in HEX format of the Aircraft6 charactersModeSCountryCountry of registration of the AircraftstringRegistrationTail Number of the AircraftstringICAOTypeCodeICAO Type Code of the TypestringTypeType of AircraftstringSerialNoSerial Number of the AircraftstringRegisteredOwnersRegistered Owners of the AircraftstringOperatorFlagCodeCode of the Airline if anystringFirstSeenTime stamp when my trackers first detected the AircraftTimestampLastSeenTime stamp when my trackers last detected the AircraftTimestampJson structure description for Aircraft API
Search airports by ICAO code
You can also access my database of airports through the following API:
where XXXX is the ICAO code of the airport on 4 characters.
The output is in json format (RFC4627).
Working samples of the API:
Returned data:
“IATA”: “HKG”,
“Name”: “Hong Kong International Airport”,
“Location”: “Hong Kong”,
“Region”: “Hong Kong”,
“Latitude”: 22.3089,
“Longitude”: 113.915
DesignatorDescriptionFormatICAOICAO code of the Airport4 charactersIATAIATA code of the Airport3 charactersNameName of the AirportstringLocationLocation of the Airport in clearstringRegionRegion or Country of the AirportstringLatitudeLatitude of the AirportfloatLongitudeLongitude of the AirportfloatJson structure description for Airport API
Search routes by Flight Number (ICAO format)
You can also access my database of routes through the following API:
where XXXXXX is the flight number in ICAO format.
The output is in json format (RFC4627).
Working samples of the API:
Returned data:
“FNB”: “AFR188”,
“Airline”: “AFR”,
“FlightNumber”: “188”,
“Origin”: “LFPG”,
“Destination”: “VHHH”,
“Via”: “”
DesignatorDescriptionFormatFNBFlight number in ICAO formatstringAirlineICAO code of the airline4 charactersFlightNumberFlight numberstringOriginOrigin airport (ICAO format)stringDestinationDestination airport (ICAO format)stringViaVia airport — if any (ICAO format)stringJson structure description for Airports API
Disclaimer — database of aircraft
All the information provided by these API are provided as is and for information only. They are coming from different sources and may contain mistakes or be out of date. Please use with caution and at your own risk.
You are welcome to comment if you see mistakes. Mode S codes can be re-allocated to new aircraft, and keeping the database of aircraft up to date is not an easy task.